Contemporary artist Maria Agureeva

Contemporary artist Maria Agureeva focuses on the tension between what is considered real versus subjective in relation to the human body. I work with two main, big themes. These are body image...

Textile artist Erik Bergrin

Textile artist Erik Bergrin says that his own spirituality and realisations is what drives his textile based sculptures. I developed an intellectual curiosity for Buddhist psychology. I would spend...

Contemporary artist Mano Penalva

Contemporary artist Mano Penalva allows materials to dictate form and come together in artworks that are deliberately non-representational. My work, I like to think, is about worldly things –...

Contemporary artist François Dufeil

Sculptures that can also be used as tools are central to the artistic practice and process of contemporary artist François Dufeil. I have been more interested in the means of production rather than...

Category - Installation