
Our mission is to showcase outliers in the international contemporary art scene.

Our editorial policy revolves around discussing subjective experiences related to the creative process. We believe that conversations about the source of inspiration itself are potential catalysts of catharsis and examine contemporary art through a rigorous and nuanced analysis.

The international contemporary art ecosystem  

Our Interviews aggregate our discussions with photographers, contemporary artists and relevant experts like curators and gallerists.

Less expert, more exploratory. We curate a self-subversive narrative by questioning and challenging the status quo.

We further nurture disruptive creative endeavours with a growing pool of liberating resources, including a residency and experimental space in Goa, AiR fellowship programs, catalysing collaborations and a PR resource.

The curator is an online magazine. We also contribute to Design India’s monthly print magazine, Pool.

Republish, share & repurpose

If you would like to republish our pieces in whole or excerpts, online or in print, please get in touch with Anjali: editor anjali singh [at] gmail [dot] com

Actively seeking seekers.

We welcome intellectual inquiry dissecting the culture of our times via thoroughly investigated opinion pieces that apprehend the nature of our society. Get in touch: the asian curator [at] gmail [dot] com